Bauhaus: Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)


He started out in Odessa when he was a child, where he learnt to play music and draw.

However his family wanted him to become a lawyer, which he did in Moscow in 1893. In 1896 he gave up his career in law to dedicate his full time to painting and art. He was greatly influenced by the exhibitions he saw at this time, giving him enthusiasm for his work. In 1896 he attended a private painting school, ran by Anton Azbe.



Kandinsky started off his painting career in black and white which is very far away from what he did later on in his career, that was full and bold in colour. In 1908 he settled in Murnau which stimulated his landscape drawings, which is where his idea of spots and line forms developed.


‘Park of St Cloud’

This piece I really like due to the vibrant colours and how textured the piece is. The colours blend really well, and does give a realistic feel. The warm colour use definitely illustrates Autumn well, making you yourself all warm.

The Blue Rider.

‘Blue Rider’


‘Old Town’

From 1901 onwards he organised a lot of exhibitions to show off his work along with work from other phalanx members. During the war Kandinsky’s style varied from half – abstract idiom, impressionist landscapes to romantic fantasies. Apart from his art work he also wrote books and articles on art and line and form. in 1922 when he returned to Germany he accepted an invitation to join Bauhaus where he taught and developed his theories. His work was very symbolic for example, the circles he used he saw as romantic.

During 1926 and 1933 he painted over 450 pieces, which unfortunately most were lost due to the Nazis and the war.

” I remember that drawing and a little bit later painting lifted me out of reality”

(Kandinsky reflecting back on his work when he was older)

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